Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week Number Dalawa (Two)

This week was super busy, but a lot of fun. We finalized the guideline for future clinics and processed the interview results. We found that many people felt like the lacked patience and an ability to adjust to newer methods and techniques that they might not have been trained in before. We have not yet discussed workshops that we can develop from this data, but we will definitely be thinking about these things the next few weeks!

We've also been preparing a workshop titled "Self-Discovery" for incoming Voc-Tech students. We will facilitate this workshop for the next three weeks in six different groups for a total of 300 students. In this six hour workshop, we will be leading different activities for the students to look at how far they have come and how far they want to go. The students will be setting goals for themselves so that they can go into their Voc-Tech programs inspired and ready to grow. The workshop includes videos, discussions, art activities, and a "multiple-intelligences quiz" that helps them see their strengths. The first workshop will begin next week, so we had to organize the slideshow and logistics this week.

We were able to play with the kids during their free time for two hours each day again this week. During free time, the kids thought it would be fun to teach me so many different things in Tagalog. One of the things they like to say when something cool happens is "boom panes" which literally translates to "boom rotten"…I was very confused until I realized it was basically the same concept as when people say "that's sick" or "nasty" in English. We started yelling "BOOM PANES" every time someone made an impressive basketball shot. They think it's hilarious that some random American girl is yelling "boom panes" with them, and they laugh so much when I say it. I've also learned many other common sayings and words in Tagalog, and they love to quiz me to make sure that I am memorizing them. They also taught me the first part of a very popular Filipino song "Pusong Bato (Stone Heart)." They love singing it with me now that I know some of it.

In addition to learning some of the language, I've learned how to play some games that have been passed down in the Tuloy Foundation. They are all very complicated and creative, and I love watching them play so quickly. These kids are so smart! I see their intelligence in the way they describe things to me in English using their limited vocabulary, in the way they can so quickly play complicated games with each other, and in so many other areas. I also love how they find joy in so many little things. They have grown up with little to nothing…no video games, no TV, no computers. They find ways to have fun with each other in sports, games, dances, songs, and basically anything else. They are teaching me so much about finding joy in everything. I love it!

This week was a big week for soccer. Two brothers of the Philippines national team came to visit Tuloy on Thursday to support the kids and give them some encouragement. Phil and James Younghusband are super popular here, and the kids were so excited to have them. Tuloy has a soccer program that consists of about five boys' teams and one girls' team. Two of the boys' teams got to play with the Younghusband brothers and all of the other Tuloy kids got to watch. The brothers donated plaques to Tuloy, too! They are on the left and right sides, and Father Rocky, the founder and President of the Tuloy Foundation, is in the middle of the picture below.

All of the Tuloy teams also got to play in the "Havaianas Football Cup" at Alabang Country Club near Tuloy on Sunday, June 8 thanks to the benefactors that support soccer at Tuloy. It was a huge soccer tournament that lasted all day, and the kids played so well. I got to go cheer them on with my father and brother. Seeing them get to compete against these other teams was remarkable, and I know they were all so thankful to have this kind of opportunity. The girls' team even placed fourth in their division!

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